Add search option to Student View
The ability for students to see all their courses at once.
It would be even better if Planbook would integrate with our SIS (Senior Sytems).
I am also requesting that students be able to hide sections as needed. For example, a student might only want to see their homework.
Adding a "search" feature for the students would be amazing. Sometimes students want to find a link or activity, but they do not know what day it was on.
An undo button.
The ability to mark as completed (student view) or add to calendar, obviously if student had ability to log in etc
We played around with adding students to classes, but were only able to add 400 to the student database. Can someone assist?
Instead of a teacher key, maybe a "share" button (like Google) is a better choice? If someone knows my teacher key and I have the edit settings on, they can edit my lesson. However, I might not want them specifically to edit. I would rather be able to control who has editing rights to my plans without changing the key.
Students receive a print button like the teachers.