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  1. Quick add new lesson to bank

    I know that entering multiple assignments in a spreadsheet has already been proposed, but I'd add to that a column to do an entire lesson in a spreadsheet (include Lesson title, page numbers, etc.). By have a spreadsheet for entry, that would eliminate numerous clicks on different buttons. The "data spreadsheet" would be linked/synced to the Planbook interface so that when changes are made in the online Planbook interface, the spreadsheet data would also update. From year to year, this would be an easy way to see an entire year at a glance instead of at the most only seeing…

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  2. Edit lessons on Copy page

    In the copy section, once I have dragged a lesson from the left to the right, I want to be able to then edit the copied lesson right there. Not have to go back to plans in order to edit it.

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  3. Mobile Apps - List view for Students

    I would like for the week view for a single class, when shared to students, to have the option to be displayed vertically. This would fit better on a phone screen as well as mimic a printed weekly handout for students.

    I like planning for all my classes in your default view, but the sharing of that information for a single class isn't the best layout. I would use the list view, but that has the problem of needed to select the class

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  4. Allow lesson copy from units within banks

    I like to plan in the bank by unit so I can then save those units for later. When I go to copy, I can select to look at each bank, but not the units within those banks. Being able to select a bank and a unit would make everything much easier.

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  5. Enhance student announcements

    I would like to suggest some suggestions for the Student Announcement feature:

    1. Show a note in the teacher admin that an announcement exists. This could be a simple box at the top of the screen with "Student Announcement Visible". Then, clicking on the link will take you to the announcement.

    2. An announcement section. It would be nice to have canned announcements that can be saved and reused again.

    3.Ability to set the start date/time and end date/time of a given announcement.

    1. Ability to show specific announcements to given user/group.
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  6. Attendance Spread Sheet

    It would be nice to have all the students names on a spread sheet with the following data.
    Days Open
    Pupils Enrolled
    Total Pupil days attendance for the month
    Total pupil-days enrollment for month
    average attendance for the month
    Percentage of attendance for the month
    *Yearly summary

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  7. Allow students to delete and rearrange classes.

    My students have built their own schedules by adding classes. However, if they add one by accident or their schedule changes, they are unable to delete the class. It would be helpful if they had more control over their schedule.

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  8. Add an option to modify attendance options

    I need to be able to track more than what is currently offered in the attendance tab.

    I would like to add options such as early dismissals, excused/unexcused, and notes to this section of the site.

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  9. Show student pull out schedule

    As a 1st grade teacher, some times is hard to keep track of the related services schedules. it would be great to have a way to add this schedule (not as a whole class thing) so when im planning its easier for me to keep track

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  10. Print by Lesson Status

    I will often create one lesson and assign it the status New and reuse it for multiple days. I would like to be able to pull up only the lessons marked with the status New and print those by class at the end of each quarter or semester.

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  11. Rename Week 1 and Week 2

    Allow week names to be changed from week 1 and week 2 to week a and week b (or whatever your school uses)

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  12. Bar graph of standards taught

    I wondered if there was a way to incorporate something that I am doing with many schools to analyze the gaps in the standards being taught. At this point we export their standards, then create a spreadsheet from which we create a bar graph of the standards taught in the year. We then can visually see which standards are being taught too much or too little or not at all. The teachers have great conversations over these visual standards and determine what needs to change.

    Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this work and consider adding…

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  13. Keyboard shortcut to switch days

    When I click on a class to see the full view of that day's lesson, I can go to the edge of the box and click an arrow to go to the next day, or the previous day. I'm wondering if it would be possible to also add an "Up" and "Down" arrow to be able to shift to the next class that day? That would be really helpful!

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  14. School events for teacher group

    Allow school calendar events to be posted to a select group of teachers rather than all faculty

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  15. Update current day highlighting automatically

    Whenever I leave planbook logged in overnight, the highlighted portion on the current day remains on the previous day unless I logout and log back in again. It would be great if it would automatically update at a certain time--midnight would make the most sense.

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  16. Export events to Google calendar

    I would like to have my planbook events show in my google calendar. My personal google calendar will show in planbook but i would like it to go the other way also. These are things like staff meetings, no school days, school events, etc.

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  17. Performance Report - allow standards average

    Our school has gone to standards based reporting and I would like to input the levels 1 (not meeting grade level), 2 (progressing), 3 (meeting), 4 (exceeding) and get an average for students for each reporting period.

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  18. Quick assign students to a class

    Allow Specials/Enrichments Teachers to add students by CLASS, not by a lump (I have 201 students!).

    I'd love to be able to click on the class, and add students from there. Is there a better way to add students, so I don't have to pick them out of a giant set for my five individual classes?

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  19. Only show Google Classroom assignments in class box

    Include Google Classroom assignments within the class box instead of making a separate box for every assignment.

    Sometimes I have multiple assignments due for a single class period and don't want a separate box for each one. They should all be included in one box per class per day.

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  20. Preview strategy before adding to lesson

    I would love to be able to click on Teaching Strategies to see description before I add them.

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