Add an option to modify attendance options
I need to be able to track more than what is currently offered in the attendance tab.
I would like to add options such as early dismissals, excused/unexcused, and notes to this section of the site.

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Lea Klein commented
We use attendance to track individual class attendance and duration of attendance within a child's school day so this would be AMAZING.
Jeanne commented
I need to excused/unexcused rather than just "absent."
PRINTS Learning commented
Modifying attendance remarks would be useful, or at least tagging notes on the attendance mark like excused/unexcused/cancelled etc
Chris Wempner commented
I also would like the option to change or add to the attendance tab. I do not keep attendance per class since I am the only teacher for the grade. However, I do need to track if a child leaves early or is only there half day.
Craig Sylvern commented
I agree. I need to have, at the minimum, excused absence. The option to create additional categories would be super useful (i.e., attended on Zoom)
Chris Wempner commented
I would also like to see additional options for attendance. Half day, early dismissal, excused/unexcused for both absent and tardy. I would like to see these options for full day attendance as I teach one grade and don't need to take attendance for each class. Right now the only way to show half day is to check each subject that student missed.