Allow Google Classroom items below plans
Right now with integration, all the google assignments show up top, which makes it difficult to view classes. If they were put on the bottom, that will help with the ability to see. Also the boxes are too large, they should be smaller.

Angela Olson commented
Yes! Please attach them within a specified category (Date Due) for me would be wonderful! If you have multiple preps, things can get very confusing.
RaeAnne commented
I wish they would be included WITHIN the box for each class instead of separate boxes!
Christian Storm commented
When you connect the individual Google classes to each "class" in your plans it fixes this issue.
monica.delrosario commented
While I love the Google Classroom integration, having the assignments that are due on the top of the plans is an eye sore. I would prefer for them to to be at the bottom so my plans would be more visable to me.