Allow drag/drop to different time slot
In elementary events arise that has us changing the times for just that day. If we could drag and drop classes into time slots that would be fantastic, instead of having it written in the header of the class. Allow us to set a template as a default, then tinker from that point.

We now support the ability to drag and drop lessons to different dates and/or classes! When you get a chance, please give it a try and let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Joanne Murphy commented
The lesson can be dragged. For example I would like to put my Language Arts lesson where my Social Studies Lesson is. I can drag the contents of my lesson where Social Studies is but the heading for that class remains Social Studies. How do I move the heading as well so it does not read like it is Social Studies time but has a Language lesson in it?
Anonymous commented
In the schedule my classes are not in time order. How do I change this so the classes will appear in the right order?
Candace Connaker commented
I tried to click on a lesson to move it and all it does is open the lesson to edit it.
Anonymous commented
What we are asking for is the ability to "reorder" classes/subjects for just the one day when a glitch or change in the daily schedule occurs. We may see all of the groups, but not necessarily in that order. The drag/drop doesn't allow for a one-time change - at least not that I could find.
Anonymous commented
You say that it is possible to drag and drop lesson to different time slots, but I can not get it to happen. Would you please add that information to your Knowledge Base? Thank you.
evelynjensenortiz commented
I still can not drag and drop the order of my subjects. Please help! It is very frustrating!
Anonymous commented
This feature does not work. I have tried to move my classes to the correct timed order and they do not move. I will not buy unless this is fixed. I love this but need my classes in order!
Anonymous commented
I've tried to drag and drop, but nothing happens. My classes keep coming up in the wrong time order and I can't get them changed! It appears I've wasted $12.00 for nothing! I can't use my plans this way.
Ms Stef commented
This feature does not work for me. I drag and drop and nothing moves
Anonymous commented
Plans change -- and that's the only constant as far as planning lessons go! I also need to be able to "rearrange" things sometimes. And sometimes, I just decide to do some things in a different order. Right now, I can't bump my lessons to accommodate this. I have to retype everything, which is a HUGE waste of time!
I would love to be able to either drag or copy/paste lessons from one day to another from with a single Planbook OR from another Planbook file (past years, etc.).
Mike Higgins commented
The bigger idea I'm seeing is the tremendous need to be able to shuffle lessons in ways beyond just within a sequential time frame. I experience this most acutely in pre-planning (i.e. my ideas and plans don't come to me, or fall, in a neat sequential order; additionally my lessons don't always play out in the nice, neat sequential order that Planbook puts them in) Anything the programmers could do to allow a more free movement of plans would be of great value.
Anonymous commented
Love this idea!
Karen Waite commented
I am a special ed. teacher instructing multiple grade levels simultaneously. It would be beneficial to be able to split cells for each subject by group, and drag and drop each section of a class as well as drag and drop whole classes into another time slot/day.
Kellie Poli commented
I would love a drag and drop feature to put an entire activity on a different day, without having to go into changing the dates. I struggle with the "bump" and "extend" feature because I may have some long term activities entered for a certain subject and these features change EVERYTHING I have planned for that subject.
Yaakov Levine commented
great idea. but needs to be only only drag and drop for same day and different times, but to drag to a different day, as a different commenter mentioned. thanks.
Anonymous commented
YES! I agree. An elementary classroom has to be "flexible" and dragging and dropping would help!
Anonymous commented
A drag and drop would be SO helpful to streamline lesson planning when that INEVITABLE interruption arises!
Anonymous commented
YES! My schedule is different every day. It would be very helpful if I could drag and drop my daily list of classes into whatever order I need them in - not sorted to start and end times.
Susan Kadlec, 4th grade commented
I love the drag and drop idea. I am famous for planning too much in a class period, which leaves me with parts of my lessons not finished. Although I know I can extend the lesson (which has been very helpful) sometimes I would like to be able to just drag and drop a couple of things to the next lesson. Often times, it is a homework assignment that I ran out of time for and want to give it out the next day instead.