Create an app for Android
The Android App is now available in the Google App Store! When you get a chance, please give it a try and let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!
debwot commented
Really looking for something that would go with Android. Signed up for free trial but not sure if I want to continue without android flexibility.
Anonymous commented
Not everyone uses apple. I would suggest and recommend Planbook but I can't because you don't have an android app.
Amy Bartlett commented
Please! Some of us don't drink the Apple kool-aid and prefer android!
Anonymous commented
I take my tablet to meetings, and really could use quicker access to Planbook than trying to get it online on the tablet. I have told many, many teachers about Planbook, and want to continue to be able to say that you are the ONLY planbook they need (and with the new iPhone app and the addition of an Android one, that would certainly be true)! Thanks!!!!
Betsy Michaelis commented
An android app would allow me to access to my plans while away from my desk--i.e. in my rocking chair from my tablet. I would also love to be able to plug in an idea via my phone while away from a computer.
Anonymous commented
As a teach it would be great to have all my students have the app on their phone regardless of the platform
Rachel commented
I'm with the rest. I need an android app to plan using my tablet and phone from home and while on the road. Planning on weekends we go away is nearly impossible.
Anonymous commented
Android app is a must!!!!
Dorian Leaman commented
I NEED an android app. Pretty please. =)
Anonymous commented
Any progress on creating an app for android yet?
Yaakov Levine commented
Anonymous commented
i agree android app please
Anonymous commented
I love love love but I to am an android user.
Michael Haase commented
Agreed. I would really like to access Planbook offline via an app.
Yaakov Levine commented
there are more android devices than andriod app will take you far.. great addition to be able to edit lesson plans when offline
Marty Cartwright commented
An app for android would be great. I do a lot on the road from my phone/tablet and this feature would be great.
Yaakov Levine commented
this is necessary.. soon computers won't be around.... and also sometimes your not online when you want to change part of a lesson or to put in notes
Anonymous commented
Please add this feature!
Anonymous commented
PLEASE we want an android app!