Hide individual Google calendar events
Some events show up in multiple calenders, which crowds my Planbook. I'd like to be able to delete individual events.
You can now hide individual Google events in your plans!
To hide a Google event, click on the event in your plans, and select "Hide Event". To unhide the event, click on the "Action" icon for the day, and select "Show/Hide Google Events".
Jholton commented
Will this allow for us to hide an individual or reoccurring Google event without having to hide ALL events? Also, being able to hide event details would be helpful! Admin writes a book on event details and it takes up everything on my daily plan sheet. Don't mind seeing certain events but hiding the notes/details would be helpful too!!
Anonymous commented
I am having difficulties with events showing up that shouldn't and events that should be not being there. I love this feature but wish that you could delete an event.
Anonymous commented
Also, a recurring event that was removed from Google calendar months ago continues to show up in Planbook, even though it's no longer on Google calendar. Would like to be able to delete it!
Anonymous commented
I agree! I don't even know how google events got into my playbook, but it has created a duplication. I stopped using playbook.com several months ago because of my lessons and dates being changed after I planned them. Major frustrations! I just attempted to use and discover this new problem. I want my money back. Issues and problems didn't occur during free trial period, but prevalent soon afterwards. :-(
Eileen Flershem commented
I agree - this is a good idea
Anonymous commented
This is a great idea. I am having the same problem
susan.moise commented
When I sync'd my google school calendar, everything came up. I am fourth grade, but all first grade testing shows up, unrelated testing, etc. But when I try to remove it from my plans, it says that I can't remove any google stuff. Kinda irritating.
M Van Dellen commented
I like being able to see the school's Google calendar events, but some don't apply to me. I would like to have the option, maybe by left-clicking on the event, to hide individual events.