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Overview - Rostering

Rostering allows you to dynamically load school, teacher, school year, class, and student data directly from your Student Information System (SIS) into Planbook, saving both administrators and teachers the time and effort required to enter this information into their Planbook accounts each school year.

To use Rostering, simply select the items you wish to load, map them to existing items in Planbook (or choose to add to Planbook), and set a time for the sync to run. Once setup is complete, the sync will run automatically each day, and ensure any changes to your SIS data are automatically updated in Planbook.

Rostering Requirements

To utilize Rostering, you will need to have a district account created in Planbook, and at least one District Administrator user account connected to the district. It is recommended that the individual selected for this District Administrator account be a member of the Technology Team in the district. The individual should have access to the district SIS, and a strong understanding of how information is stored in this system.

For assistance in setting up a district and/or a District Administrator user account in Planbook, please contact us at or 888-205-5528.

Rostering Data Model

The data model for Planbook Rostering is based on the 1EdTech OneRoster Specification, and uses the following OneRoster components:
  • Org - Org is defined as a structure for holding organizational information. For each Org selected, rostering will create (map to) a School in Planbook and connect it to the district account.

  • User - Users are teachers (teaching) or students (studying) a class. For each teacher selected, rostering will create (map to) a Teacher in Planbook.

  • AcademicSession - AcademicSession represents a duration of time. For each AcademicSession selected, rostering will create (map to) a School Year in Planbook and add the School Year to each School and Teacher connected to the district account.

  • Class - Class is an instance of a course, in which students and teachers are enrolled. You do not need to select each Class. Rather, rostering will automatically find each Class taught for the selected Teachers and AcademicSessions, and create (map to) a Class in Planbook.

  • Enrollment - Enrollment tracks each student taking part in a course or class. You do not need to select each Enrollment. Rather, rostering will automatically find each student enrolled in each class, and create (map to) a Student in Planbook. Each Student will be connected to a School, and will be assigned to the appropriate Teachers and Classes in Planbook.

Rostering via ClassLink

Rostering is currently available in Planbook via ClassLink Roster Server, which is certified by the 1EdTech Consortium to comply with the 1EdTech OneRoster Standard and the TrustEd Apps Seal of Data Privacy.

For information on how to add Planbook to ClassLink, click here.

For information on how to set up your data sync via ClassLink, click here.

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