How to report on Teacher Plans

Planbook allows administrators to establish a weekly deadline for teacher plan submissions, to run reports on submit status, and to send messages and reminders to teachers as needed. Note that you will also need to Add an Administrator School Year to take advantage of this reporting feature.
Set when Teacher Plans are Due
To establish a specific deadline for when lesson plans are due each week:
- Click the User Settings icon in top-right menu.
- Select the School Profile option.
- Select the School Information option in menu bar.
- Select a day of week from Weekly Plans Due On drop-down list.
- Indicate if the day of week represents The Week Of or The Week Before the plans will be taught. For example, if plans are due on Friday, it is likely that this is the Friday BEFORE the week when plans will be taught. If the plans are due on Monday, this may be the Monday OF the week the plans will be taught.
- Enter the At Time for when lesson plans are due each week.
- Click the Save button to save your changes.
View Teacher Plan Submissions
To view the status of teacher lesson plan submissions:
- From the Planbook Bar, select Reporting > Plans.
- To view submits by individual week, click the View by Week button in top-left menu.
- To view submits by individual teacher, click on the teacher name in the Teacher column.
- To send a message to teachers based on submit status, click the Message Teachers icon in top-right menu.
- Complete - Send a message to all teachers who have submitted plans for upcoming week.
- Unsubmitted - Send a message to all teachers who have not yet submitted plans for upcoming week.