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How to schedule a Class

Important! When you edit a schedule, you will be asked WHEN you would like the schedule change to start. This allows you to change a class schedule at various points in a school year, without impacting the classes and lessons that occur prior to each change. If you would like the schedule change to be for the entire school year, then select "Class Start" as the start date for the schedule change.

There are two ways to edit a class schedule in Planbook. If you are creating a full schedule for a new school year, we recommend our Drag and Drop Scheduler. If you only need to make a small adjustment to an individual class, editing the class directly can be the quickest method. Each method is described below, and you can also watch a Video Tutorial on class scheduling.

Drag and Drop Scheduler

  1. From the Planbook Bar, select Classes.

  2. Click Edit Schedule in the top-right menu.

  3. Select a start date for your schedule change.

  4. Drag and drop your classes where you would like each in your schedule.

  5. Click the Done button in top-right menu to save the new schedule.

Edit Class Scheduler

  1. From the Planbook Bar, select Classes.

  2. Hover over the class you wish to schedule and click Edit.

  3. Scroll to the Schedule section, and click Edit Schedule.

  4. Select a start date for your schedule change.

  5. Choose an initial schedule to work from:

    • Copy Current Schedule - Uses the current schedule as a starting point for the new schedule. This is typically the best option for minor adjustments.

    • From Scratch - Provides a "blank slate" to create the new schedule.
    • Skip- Allows you to edit the current schedule directly

  6. Select the class days, and enter class times, for the new schedule. The Frequency dropdown allows for the options:
  • Daily - Class will occur each day, and will have NO start or end time.

  • Daily (Same Time) - Class will occur at the SAME start and end time each day.

  • Custom - Class will occur at various days, and may have different start and end times each day.
       7. Click the Save (checkmark) icon in top-right menu to save the new schedule.

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