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Overview - Classes

The Classes Page allows you to manage your class schedule for the current school year. You can add new classes, make a change to an existing class, or remove a class.

Adding classes (subjects) to your plans is how you create your schedule in Planbook, and you’ll need to do this before you can enter lessons.

For each class, you can select a class color, specify the class start and end date, and enter the days and times you teach the class.

To learn more about how to create and customize your Planbook classes, refer to our video tutorial.

Teaching vs Non-Teaching

You can categorize each class as either Teaching or Non-Teaching. Teaching classes are ones where you are engaged in student instruction. Non-Teaching classes are time blocks where you are not engaged in student instruction, and can include planning periods, lunch, specials, etc.

To simplify your display, Non-Teaching classes will not be included in Planbook functionality that is tied to students, including Student Views, Attendance, Classwork, Grades, and Seating Charts.

Class Name

Each class will have a name, which will typically match the subject you will teach (Language Arts, Mathematics, etc.) You are allowed to use the same name for multiple classes, but we recommend caution with this approach, as it can be confusing when scheduling and managing your classes.

Class Description

Class Description allows you to capture additional detail about each class, such as a class syllabus.

Class Color

You can select a color for each class, which will be used for class lessons in your plans. Creating a color scheme for your classes can be helpful to both you and your students in navigating your plans. For example, many teachers choose a single color to use for all their non-teaching classes (lunch, planning, specials) as a way to help differentiate them from teaching classes.

Class Format

Class Format allows you to select the font type, size, and color for your class name. Each class can have a unique name format. To ensure the class name stands out, we encourage you to choose a strong contrast (dark vs light) between the color of your class and the color of your class name. For example, if you choose a light yellow class color, then a dark gray class name will show better than a white class name.

Class Start Date

Class Start Date represents the first day of lessons for your class. Instead of entering a specific date for each class, we recommend you select the "Use School Start" option. This will ensure that if the school start date changes for any reason, your classes and lessons will automatically be adjusted to reflect the change.

Class End Date

Class End Date represents the last day of lessons for your class. Instead of entering a specific date for each class, we recommend you select the "Use School End" option. This will ensure that if the school end date changes for any reason, your classes and lessons will automatically be adjusted to reflect the change.

Class Lesson Layout

You can select a Lesson Layout for each class. The lesson layout determines what lesson sections will be available for your class lessons. If no lesson layout is selected, the class will use the default lesson layout for your school year.

Class Schedule

Class Schedule allows you to select the days and times you will teach each class. The class schedule will be based on the overall schedule framework selected for your School Year: Weekly Schedule, Two Week Schedule, or Cycle Schedule.

A class can be taught on every day of the schedule, only on specific days, and even multiple times on a specific day. Class times are not required, but we encourage their use, as this will then order your lessons on each day in your plans.

You can adjust a class schedule as many times as needed during a school year, and this will not impact any lessons or class schedules that exist prior to the adjustment. For example, you may want to change your Social Studies class from 2 days per week in the first quarter, to 3 days per week in the second quarter. Your schedule change will begin on the first day of your second quarter, and the schedule you used for the first quarter will not be impacted.

Alternate Schedule

In addition to setting up your regular class schedule for the school year, you can also define Alternate Schedules, which can be applied to dates where the regular schedule will not work. Alternate Schedules can be created to cover half days, early release days, field trip days, school year start up, etc.  

Alternate Schedules are helpful for situations that occur multiple times in a school, to save you the time required to create a custom schedule for each occurrence.

Custom Schedule

There will be days when your regular schedule needs to be adjusted, and a unique custom schedule is required. This may include days with field trips, assemblies, drills, picture day, etc. You have full flexibility to adapt each class schedule on any given date:

  • Adjust Class Times - You can adjust the class start and/or end times on a date, which will override the regularly scheduled times for the class.
  • Remove a Class - You can fully remove a class from a date, and your lessons will automatically adjust to ensure no lessons are lost.
  • Add Extra Class - You may have a date that allows you to add an extra lesson for a class. One or more extra class lessons can be added on any date, and can be set to any times you need.

Class Collaboration

Class Collaboration allows you to share your class with other teachers as a Replica (an exact duplicate). The collaborate options are:

  • None - Do not allow collaboration for this class
  • View/Import - Allow teachers to view/import, but NOT edit my lessons
  • View/Edit - Allow teachers to view AND edit my lessons
  • Replica - This class will show lessons from another class

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