Integrate with Schoology
A lot of teachers seem to be using LMS's (Learning Management Systems) more and more. From my research (and now personal use) Schoology is becoming very popular, but one thing you can't do with Schoology is good lesson planning within the LMS. I know lots of teachers would like a one-stop type place to take care of business (which is why you get requests for things like adding a gradebook to your program), and Schoology integrates third party apps for use right within their system, such as Google Drive, Evernote, Remind, Khan Academy, YouTube, just to name a few. Having the integrated power of Planbook to lesson plan right within Schoology would make it a real powerhouse.

Bryan Deshler commented
We have been using Schoology for 2 years now. It would be great if these two platforms would integrate. I would love to be able to have a dropdown on Schoology that would allow me to assign an assignment for the following class meeting time without looking up the date or time. Hopefully, with Schoology and Planbook being able to speak to each other this would be a possibility.
I am a newer teacher and am learning planbook and schoology...It sure would be nice if they worked together.
hauserd commented
Anonymous commented
this would be an amazing addition to my district-mandated use of Schoology. To be able to integrate my playbook page directly into schoology so that the students could access daily lesson plans would be fantastic!
Jason Frieling commented
I'd be glad to help test it too!!!
Jason Frieling commented
My district is using Schoology and this would be HUGE!!!
Patti Walsh commented
Include Canvas in your LMS list. I love Schoology, but my district now requires that we use Canvas.
Iona Olive commented
I am not familiar with schoolology, but i found this idea because i was interested in more LMS-like features.