Convert Google Calendar Events to Planbook Lessons
The current integration of Google Calendar is great, but google calendar events import as planbook events which means you cannot use them as a lesson. You cannot make notes or use any of the other features that make planbook so wonderful. It would be AMAZING if you could easily convert a google event to a planbook lesson. Ideally it would remain connected to Google after conversion but even if it didn't, it would still be very helpful. This would allow someone that is a heavy google calendar user to not only import their school related events from their google calendar but also make notes for those events like you would for any other lesson. To me planbook is already a step above the competition, but allowing google calendar events to convert to planbook lessons would take the platform way over the top. I hope you guys consider this suggestion. Thanks
Douglas Osgood commented
I fully agree with this. I add all of our school's important events (namely No School Days) to a Google Calendar. I can see that in planbook, but it would be FANTASTIC if I could use those events to add No School Days so that I would not have to make new events for those days.