Organize links to videos and other material
When adding the lesson, have a separate area to put the links. There are times I want to go back to a link, but I have to scroll through weeks of plans before finding the link. Have a way to create a link database. Links to YouTube, etc..

Lady Boss commented
I'm learned that organizing links to my videos and other material is a smart way to promote my content. It helps viewers find related content easily. Plus, with help of promo soundgroup I can use tools like buy-youtube-views to boost the visibility of those links. It's a win-win for making my content more accessible and reaching a wider audience.
Emily Ver Burg commented
Catalog links and attachments in a separate space in the Go To tab. Often during the school year when I'm doing review I like to show the same video or picture I used when teaching the content the first time. Sometimes I forget what date I originally taught the lesson and can't find the links/attachments I used before. That means I have to either review without that visual aid or find a new one (both of which can be confusing for students). It would be nice to have a section where all those things would be stored for easy review access, or to be found for the following year without having to look them all up again.