Print attachments with lesson
I already have all the attachments to my lessons on my computer. I was hoping that by uploading them to my plans in Planbook I'd be able to hit print and my lesson and all attachments would print. It doesn't make any sense for me to have to download the attachments or go back into my computer and print those separately when I could just write my lesson plan in Word instead of Planbook and paste in the things I want to add (like posters, handouts, etc.) so it's all in one place.

downsl commented
I would like to use Planbook as my sole source for storing my teaching material. Having to download attachments to view them or print them defeats the purpose. Please consider providing the option to view AND print attachments with downloading!
Lisa Shacklock commented
Definitely! I am new to Planbook and do not understand why I must download my attachment (which I just UPLOADED to Planbook!) to show it to my class. It doesn't make sense! I already have it on my computer. The reason I purchased Planbook was to save me time. I seem to be spending more time on planning at the moment :-(
Megan Buhr commented
Yes, I need this, too! When I print the day's lessons, I would really like all attachments to print, too. I have checked the option to do so, but it does not work.
Monica Artinger commented
This would be extremely helpful in today's world of teaching where you might need to submit lessons to be done digitally while at home on quarantine.
Leslie commented
Enable a print button that will print from the page rather than having to go through Google docs for example.
Leslie commented
Enable a print button that will print from the page rather than having to go through Google docs for example.
Roxanne Massarelli commented
Rather than downloading plans or attachments, option to print without downloading (and/or).
Anonymous commented
have the option to download PDF attachments with the plans that you save in PDF form! It would make it much easier to email sub plans. Thank