Add check boxes to lessons
I want checkboxes in my lesson outline so I can know how far I get in case I underplan or skip a step and want to do it next time. This would be an addition to the numbering system or bullet point system. Bonus points if I can digitally check the box.

Lisa Shacklock commented
Yes, I am unsure why check boxes HAVEN'T been added! I am a music teacher and I'd prefer to open up my plan and see where I'm up to, rather than have to re-do an entire lesson plan. This would be a very helpful feature! Please consider!
Shana Skyberg commented
This is super important. I print plans for students and they need to be able to check off the steps of the lesson as they go.
La4Music commented
I really want checkable boxes - this would be very helpful for me as a music teacher to quickly see what each class was able to do in our very short classes.
La4Music commented
I would love to add boxes to items in a template that I could just "check" when creating the lesson.
Diane Pope commented
The open square is not an option on the bulleted list. In Google Docs you can add an open checkbox and then go back and have the option to fill it in with a solid color or a check. I would like a similar option when writing lessons and making lists of things to complete
bob santella commented
I teach computers to elementary students. Most lessons cover multiple days. Each unit has lots of steps, and some classes get further than others. I would love to have a bullet system that would allow me to click steps that are completed so when I extend the lesson to the next week I could quickly see how far this class got compare to another
Pip Timoteo commented
As I complete tasks I like to tick them off. I like the idea of a check or tick box too but if the check or tick was in the special characters then when I had a list of tasks to do in a day I could tick them as completed.
Sarah commented
It would be nice to have the capability to have check boxes in the templates. Our school makes us write which of the 5 c's we have included in our lessons. Instead of having to write them every day, it'd be nice to just be able to check off the ones we've used.
Dianne Greene commented
I want to track what parts of the lesson have been completed even if I only have this capability when it is printed. Having the outline have a larger shape than a dot, square, or tiny outlined circle would help. If you do it, maybe do a large circle and large square so there are options. Might as well do it at once.