Write-in Standards
Can you make a write-in option for the standards section? 99% of the time, I use the common core standards that are already available, but every once in a while (SBAC prep, etc), it would be nice to write in "Comprehensive review of grade level standards" or something to that effect.

Jeanne commented
As a college instructor, I'd much rather put in the competencies required for my courses (based on State requirements). At the very least I'd copy and paste, but it would be nicer if I could refer to a website and have Planbook import them - just in case there's an update.
Samreen Riaz commented
Dissertation writing culminates in preparing for the defense, where students present their research findings to a committee of faculty members. This presentation involves summarizing the key aspects of the dissertation, answering questions, and defending the methodology and conclusions.
https://dissertationwritingservicess.co.uk/ -
Victoria Villagomez commented
Also would you be able to make a section to grade with a rubric. We used to use a different grading system but are not allowed to use that system anymore. In the other system we were allowed to upload our own rubric and individually score the kids according to the rubric. On Friday's we would print out a report for each student and the parents would be able to see the score and the rubric used to score each individual child. It is very similar to your standard section but it would be helpful if we could add our own "standard" / rubrics.
Théa Williams commented
I 2nd this request. Some of the standards listed on the lessons in the curriculum I use are not available in the selection. Most are, but it would be great to be able to manually add a standard if it isn't available. I see this was posted in 2018 and we are now in 2023. This doesn't give me a lot of hope in terms of when this feature might be added. Any info. on the timeline for implementation?
Sara Blecki commented
This is a very important thing to add. The My List option to add standards that aren't available in Planbook is awkward. I want all of my standards in one place.
Angela Olson commented
It would be excellent to have the capability of adding our own standard banks. We have been asked to look at essential skills, and they need to be categorized by grade level and topic.
Jennifer Sondag commented
I was interested in seeing if Planbook would consider giving the option to type the standard ID directly in rather than having to scroll through and find the standard or use the search option? I appreciate the current way and don't want it changes but it would be a time saver to add a feature to be able to type the ID in when you know exactly what it is. Ex. 4.L.3