Print plans horizontally
I would like to be able to print my lesson plan pages horizontally since this is how I have them laid out on Instead, they print vertically.

tlange commented
I have my plans set that the days of the week go down the left side and all the subjects go across in rows. I would like my plans to print just as I see them on my screen.
However, when I print, the only way it will print is with the days of the week going across the top of the page and the subjects listed under each day.
Is there a way I can get it to print like it is shown on screen with the days of the week going down the left hand side and the subjects across in rows?
Thank you,
Tracy -
John commented
Please add printing in the horizontal format. You already allow us to display weekly lessons with the days going down the side, and classes listed across the top, but you cannot print this way.
It is very frustrating for those of us who want to print out a week of lessons on just a 2-page spread. This is how almost all paper planners are laid out, and I think it only makes sense to offer this a choice as well.
I cannot just use the digital version to look at my plans because my computer is often being projected on my screen while I use other digital resources with my class.
Please consider adding this. I (and many othe teachers in my district) would appreciate it greatly! Thank you. -
Mandy Breton commented
This would make my life SO much easier!! Please consider it- it's the only thing keeping me from LOVING my Planbook.
bwallace commented
I would love to be able to print my plans horizontally! I keep my plans in a binder and it is a lot easier to follow if they entire day goes across and not down!
Jenna Marshall commented
I would love this feature!
Charise commented
I AGREE Completely - that is the thing I hate the most about planbook. My plans for years have gone across....after all we do read going across
T W commented
I really want this option too! I like how you can display the plan book horizontally so it only make sense to have this capability while printing too.
Ewilson commented
PRINT Horizontal, not portrait
Courtney commented
This would be great!
Shannon commented
Print in horizontal view with dates down the side to place in teacher plan books.