Quick add bank item to lesson
To get a lesson bank lesson to a day on the planner should involve a pop down menu that gives a full listing of lesson bank lessons. Choose and paste.

BJ Lewis commented
I agree! When I click on a Blank lesson for a given day it would be so convenient for their to be an option that just says "Add from Lesson Bank"
Erin Lewis commented
This says planned but it was posted 2 years ago. Any updates?
Mrs. Washington commented
Yes! This!! I would like to have an add lesson from bank option in my plans.
Anonymous commented
I would love to be able to open a unit that contains all of my lessons, then select "add to plans" where I can then select a lesson date.
Or in plans have an "add lesson from bank" option.
"copying" and then having to toggle back and forth between lesson bank and planning takes a while.
I really just want to be able to Create a unit, add all of my lessons and then as I teach them quickly add them to my plans. (without using "copy")
katie.mccarron commented
Just realised you can do this, if you go to the lesson in the lesson bank and go to actions then click move, it give you the option of copying to a class/subject and date. Awesome stuff!!!
katie.mccarron commented
This is exactly what I want to be able to do. Have my term planned out in lesson bank then have a drop down menu that allows to you copy to where you need it to be.