rubric scoring
1-4 rubric grading for standards based report cards

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Enid Sepulveda Rodriguez commented
I agree wholeheartedly with dnunez! This coming school year, I am planning to experiment with using a standards based grading system in my Spanish classes; therefore, my rubrics must clearly indicate the individual standard (s) I am targeting and what grading parameters I am employing to measure a student's proficiency in meeting that standard. My teaching and assessment is informed by WIDA, ACTFL and New Mexico Standards for teaching Spanish, and fortunately, Planbook already has those standards available in their database. So what am I personally looking for? ( I am not a tech or math savvy person, so forgive any errors in terminology.) I would like to see an added link that offers me a choice of templates commonly used in creating rubrics. I want to be able to select the database (s) of standards (WIDA...etc.) I will be referencing. Inside the rubric, in Y axis (up/down) I want to be able to write in the numbers corresponding to the grading scale I am using (e.g. 1-4, 1-5); 3. In the X axis (L-R) column, in every line, I want to have the ability to select/click from a drop down menu the individual standard I am targeting. I also want the ability to insert/indicate what is the student "total", the grading scale in percentages (e.g. 4=A, 100%...) and any other comments. I would want to be able to insert/attach this rubric to the lesson plan. And finally, it would be so appreciated if there was a way for PB to have these rubrics saved/stored for my future use. Hope this suggestion makes sense/helps!
dnunez commented
I love planbook and would like to only use this site, but it is missing some major features that some other sites have. This is a big one for me.