Scrolling Month View
It would be handy to have the month view show in a continuous fashion so that I could scroll down (or using arrows?) to show prior / next weeks. So, for example, I show April in the month view, but the first week was spring break, so I really want to show the 2nd week of April as the top row, with more rows showing more weeks (extending into May).
So it would be great to either specify the start/end dates for month view (instead of just the month) or allow month view to extend so I can see upcoming weeks into the next (or previous) months in the same view.

UlyssesIndia commented
اكتشف LineBet، التطبيق الأساسي للمراهنات الرياضية وألعاب الكازينو. استمتع بواجهة سهلة الاستخدام، أمان معزز، وعروض سخية لزيادة أرباحك. سجّل اليوم وانضم إلى مجتمع من عشاق الألعاب حول العالم!
SH commented
Week by Week and Month by Month view is fine. It'd be great if the view showed week before and week after, like a scrolling continuous calendar vs. breaking up specifically by week or month.
Example: iCal view can be weekly, monthly, or I can scroll through so that I see half of January and half of February as the 4 weeks visible on the screen
steve commented
I use month view a lot but units of course span months. I can use the next button to go to the next month and see my plans but then I find myself going back and forth to try to see what the previous days were. I think it would be very useful to just be able to use the scroll wheel on the mouse to go down to the next month like most and calendar applications does. Of course the heading of the month you are in would need to follow the blocks so you still knew what month you were looking at.
Brian Debbaudt commented
Active scroll when in month view (able to view parts of two months on one screen)
Alan Mello commented
A view that spans months. Especially at the end of the month It's much more useful for me to see today and the next 4 weeks, rather than the previous weeks and not be able to view into the future.
Alan Mello commented
A view that shows this week and the next 4, no matter what time of the month it is.
Jennifer commented
Rather than only week or month view, I would love to be able to see the next 4 or 5 weeks at a time. Toward the end of the month it gets cumbersome switching between months ensuring that the lesson topics are flowing correctly. Thanks!