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Overview - Reminders Panel

The Reminders Panel allows you to view all items that are due in the next 7 days, as well as any high priority To Do tasks that are not yet completed. The panel will display on the right side of your plans, in Day, Week or Month view, and can be resized as needed. You can also filter your reminders, to quickly hide or show specific item types.

The Reminders Panel is a great way to keep track of upcoming work. It allows you to view plans for the current week, while also seeing what will be due next week. You can include student birthdays, assignments due, team meetings, tasks to complete, and more!

To open the Reminders Panel, click on the Reminders icon in the top-right menu of the Plans page.

To Do

The reminders will show each To Do item that has an end date in the next 7 days. It will also show any undated To Do items that are marked as High Priority. You can use the Mark as Complete icon to mark when a task is complete, and it will then be removed from the reminders.

Repeating To Do

For a To Do item that repeats daily or weekly, you will see the item in the reminders until it is marked as complete. Once marked as complete, the reminder will be removed for the current day/week, and will return to the reminders on the next day/week.


The reminders will show each note with a date in the next 7 days. If the note is tied to a specific class or student, this information will also be displayed.


The reminders will show each event that has an end date in the next 7 days. This will include any stickers you have added to your plans! If you enable Show all Holidays in display settings, then holiday stickers will also be displayed.


The reminders will show each assignment and assessment that has an end date in the next 7 days. The title and class for each item will also be included.

Students Birthdays

If you enable Show Student Birthdays in display settings, and you (or your school) have included birthdates for your students, then student birthdays will be displayed in the reminders panel.

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