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How to add Classwork

Grades can be added to any classwork generated in Planbook. To add classwork to your plans:
  1. From the Planbook Bar, select Classwork.

  2. Click the Add (+) icon in the top-right menu.

  3. Select the type of classwork:

    • Assignment - An assignment often reflects formative work, such as in class work or homework.

    • Assessment - An assessment often reflects summative work, such as a quiz or exam.

  4. Enter a Title for the classwork. The title will show in your plans and grades.

  5. Enter a Start Date and End Date for the classwork. The date range will control when the classwork appears in your plans, and the grade period that will include the classwork.

  6. If you will score student work on the classwork, enter the Total Points. The total points, along with the score weight, will be used in grade calculation.

  7. Select a Class for the classwork.

  8. If the class has score weighting, select a score Type for the classwork. The score weight, along with total points, will be used in grade calculation.

  9. If desired, enter a Description for the classwork.

  10. Select Standards for the classwork. You will be able to measure and track student performance on each learning standard added to your classwork.

  11. Select Attachments for the classwork. Classwork attachments will be available and viewable by students unless marked as private.

  12. Click the Save (checkmark) icon in top-right menu to save your changes.

To learn more about student grades, please refer to the Grades Overview.

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