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Overview - School Years

A school year in Planbook will typically map directly to your contracted year, but you can also create school years for summer school, after school programs, or anything else you need. For each school year, you will specify the schedule type (weekly, two-week, cycle), year start and end dates, and school start and end times.

School (Administrator) School Years

Your school can also create school years for teachers. School Years created by a school administrator will automatically be available for teachers to use in their plans.

School Year Type

On the School Years Page, you will see a column for School Year Type. School Year Type identifies the source of the school year:
  • Teacher - The school year was created by you as the teacher, and can be fully edited and deleted.
  • School - The school year was created by an administrator at your school, and can be utilized by the teacher, but it cannot be edited or deleted.

School Year Name

School Years are typically named based on the calendar year start and end dates, such as "2023-2024", but you have full control over selecting a name that works best for you. The name you select will show in the School Year drop-down list at the top of your plans page, where you can switch between school years as needed.

For teachers who cover multiple schools, they may find that having a unique school year for each school is the best approach. In this case, the year names will likely include the name of each school as well, such as "23-24 School A", "23-24 School B", etc.

School Year Dates

School Year start and end dates represent the first and last day of student attendance. These dates are used when adding classes, units, lessons and classwork to your plans, to ensure all remain within the school year timeframe.

School Year Lesson Layout

You will select a default Lesson Layout for your school year, which will then be applied to all classes in the year that do not have a specific Lesson Layout applied.

School Year Schedule

School Year schedule provides a framework for scheduling individual classes, and can be one of the following:
  • Weekly Schedule - Classes are scheduled each week. A weekly class schedule is the most common schedule type in Planbook.
  • Two-Week Schedule - Classes are scheduled over a two week period. A two week schedule allows for classes that are taught on alternating weeks during the school year. 
  • Cycle Schedule - Classes are scheduled using a cycle of a set number of days. The most common of these is a 2 day cycle (often called an A/B schedule), but many schools also follow a 4 day, 5 day, or 6 day cycle schedule. A cycle schedule can be set for any number of days up to 20.

Cycle Day Resets

For schools that follow a cycle schedule, there may be times when the cycle needs to be reset. The end of a school term (quarter, semester, etc.) is the most common scenario where a cycle day reset is required. For example, the last day of a quarter may be a cycle day 4, and the first day of the next quarter needs to be reset to a cycle day 1 rather than a cycle day 5. Cycle Day resets allow you to add as many resets as needed during a school year.

School Days

School Days allow you to define the days of typical student attendance at your school. For most schools, students will typically attend classes on Monday through Friday. For some schools, the school week may be only Monday through Thursday, or even Sunday through Thursday. School Year days are used when tracking the number of days completed for each school term and year, as well as the number of days remaining.

School Times

School Times allow you to include the start and end time of your school day. These times are used when scheduling your classes each day, to ensure all remain within the available daily time window. 

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