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Overview - Units

Units provide a way to structure and group your lessons, assignments, and assessments, and help facilitate long term planning efforts.

Unit ID

Unit ID can be thought of as a "quick reference" code for each unit in a class or bank. Unit IDs are often numeric (1, 2, 3, …) to signify the typical order in which the units will be taught, but you have full flexibility to create any ID naming structure you prefer. The Unit ID will be shown as a column when you view lessons as a list, and will allow you to order your lessons by Unit ID.

Unit Title

Unit Title allows you to include a descriptive name for each unit.

Unit Class

Each unit will be connected to either an individual class, or a lesson bank. Once a class or bank is selected for the unit, it cannot be changed. However, you can easily copy a unit (and all its components) from one class/bank to another as needed.

Unit Dates

Unit start and end dates allow you to set a target timeframe for each unit, to help with setting and managing unit pacing during the school year. Note that these dates may differ from the actual completion dates of unit lessons, as you retain the ability to schedule individual lessons as needed, even if this pushes lessons outside the target timeframe set for the unit.

Unit Description

Unit Description allows you to include an overview or summary of each unit.The description can include unit goals and objectives, keywords, support materials, or anything else that will be helpful to both you and your students.

Unit Lesson Sections

The lesson sections available for each unit will match the Lesson Layout selected for the unit's class or bank. The lesson sections in a unit work similar to a template, in that the information you capture in each section will automatically be included for all lessons that are connected to the unit. You can also use the "Filter Plans" feature on the Plans Page to control what unit information is displayed in your lessons.

Unit Attachments

You are able to attach files to each unit, from your Planbook Resource folders or from your Google Drive. These files will then be available for all lessons connected to the unit.

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