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Overview - Students

Planbook allows you to add students to your account, as well as assign students to your classes. This step is required to record student grades, seating charts, and attendance in Planbook.

Once students are added, you can then allow them to access Planbook via their accounts, to view teacher lesson plans and student performance.

School Students

Your school can also add/invite students to Planbook. Students added by a school administrator can then be assigned to individual teachers at the start of each school year.

Student Type

On the Students Page, you will see a "Type" column. Student Type identifies the source of the student information:
  • Teacher - The student was added by you as the teacher, and can be fully edited and deleted.
  • School - The student was added by an administrator at your school, and can be utilized by the teacher, but it cannot be edited or deleted.

Required Student Information

Students added to Planbook require the following information. Note that First Name and Last Name do not need to be unique, and we recommend the addition of a Middle Name to distinguish any duplicates.
  • First Name
  • Last Name

Student Account Information

You can add students to Planbook, and allow them to view teacher plans, without setting up individual login accounts for each student. If, however, you would like students to have individual login access to be able to view their grades online, you (or your school) can also create student accounts. Student accounts require the following information:
  • Student ID or Email Address - One or both of these fields can be used to uniquely identify each student. Students will be able to use either one when logging into their Planbook student account.
  • Student Key - Student Key functions as a password for each student.

Optional Student Information

The following student fields are optional, but we encourage you to use them as appropriate to assist in student management. Note that if you include a birthdate for your students, you can also set Planbook to automatically show all student birthdays in both your Plans and Reminders.
  • Middle Name
  • Parent Email
  • Phone Number
  • Birthdate
  • Gender
  • Grade Level

Student Photo

You can add a photo for each of your students. Student photos provide a helpful visual as you work with student information in Planbook, and are used when managing attendance, student grades, seating charts, and assigning students.

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