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How to delete Multiple Lessons

To delete multiple lessons from a single class, or from all classes, follow the steps below.

Delete Lessons from a Single Class

  1. From the Planbook Bar, select Classes.

  2. Hover on the class, and click the Actions (3 dot) icon.

  3. Select the Manage Lessons option.

  4. Enter the Date Range of the lessons you want to delete.

  5. Click the Show Lessons button to load the lessons.

  6. Use the checkbox to select all, or individual lessons, to delete.

  7. Click the Delete button to delete the lessons, or the Unlink button to unlink the linked lessons.

Delete Lessons from ALL Classes

  1. From the Planbook Bar, select School Years.

  2. Hover on the school year, and click the Edit button.

  3. Click the Actions (3 dot) icon in top-right menu of Edit School Year.

  4. Select the Manage Lessons option.

  5. Enter the Date Range of the lessons you want to delete.

  6. Click the Show Lessons button to load the lessons.

  7. Use the checkbox to select all, or individual lessons, to delete.

  8. Click the Delete button to delete the lessons, or the Unlink button to unlink the linked lessons.

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